[winafl]Client library targets an incompatible API version and should be re-compiled

If you get this error means your drrun.exe and winafl.dll is not compatible and you need to compile winafl again.

follow this process:

  1. git clone winafl to your system from here:
  2. open visual studio command prompt(you need either vs2015 or vs2017 installed on your system for this)
  3. go to winafl dir and run following commands for 32 bit build:
    mkdir build32
    cd build32
    cmake .. –DDynamoRIO_DIR=..\path\to\DynamoRIO\cmake
  4. for 64 bit build run following commands:
    mkdir build64
    cd build64
    cmake –G”Visual Studio 10 Win64″ .. –DDynamoRIO_DIR=..\path\to\DynamoRIO\cmake
    you are done.